Digital Smoke: Organized Religion Vs Spirituality? (Obey Your Intuition And Study Your Roots Before You Join An Organized Religion) Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Digital Smoke: Organized Religion Vs Spirituality? (Obey Your Intuition And Study Your Roots Before You Join An Organized Religion)

Organized Religion
i do not get into
and haven't been into for over a decade and people swear im holier than their deacons
no fronting or bragging
reason being i studied all religions including Star Wars and its another one out for a good while
but organized religions turn human beings into cult members
it divides people which is obvious
from the individual spiritually to families to communities to regions to countries
maybe im lying as a mind of fact i am lying
which means in 2018 that i am telling the truth so yeah yeah im lying hell yeah i get it just lie! And tell the biggest lie until it becomes the truth... if you tell a lie bigger enough eventually people will believe it and it becomes the truth
no facts or knowledge required
now thats faith and believing which is powerful
and so do the cops catch rapist on faith and believing and then present their faith and believing as evidence to the corporate merchant or judge and or jury to sentence a case acquited or guilty? Yeah they do! Dang. So much wisdom.... wow.

Spirituality which i haven't heard of any wars with spirituality or goverment involvement and its not a business structured nonprofit like organized religion. Spirituality is way more than holy folklores. Religion and Politics has always been in bed with each other since the day and night they were born. They are inseparable. The only way you can benefit positively through politics is as Political Action Committee and organized religion you can because the power is in numbers and when an indigenous community comes together like the first African Methodist Epistoical in South Carolina did
things happened
you have to realize that the Preacher had the most power and still do today from those slavery days or colonization
your best bet is to go to Ethiopia and learn Ge'ez which is the oldest by far if im not mistaking though do your research for that region the indigenous way
there are books on books missing and as for Islam?
I would start in Timbuktu. Peace

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