Digital Smoke: Peace Is A Need And Love Has Always Been A Want Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Digital Smoke: Peace Is A Need And Love Has Always Been A Want

I rather have Peace
cause in Peace there is no war
in Love you will find war all day and night long
fighting over it
killing people for it

Peace you will basically wall up and wide
keep everybody out who ain't down with Peace
for the sake of commonality and life without a worry
you don't have to please people in Peace
love its no telling what a person might do
in Nature its peace
until an unnatural phenomenon alters Peace
which is just Cause and Effect
no secret really
just highly ignored and underestimated
love is a fantasy
peace is a reality
i don't know so do your research and see who and what you find more loyal to you cause the last time i checked love don't love nobody except itself
although peace makes everything safe and sound without a worry
both are words with images attached to them so the brain can imagine what it will to see reality vs fantasy
though when my physical body rest i feel nothing and thats peace
love is usually associated with some type of arousal and not sexually although in 2018 more and more is becoming hoaxed with sexualities being love you see
peace makes sense with me wholistically cause it is a need
love is a want as you do not need it
food water and shelter forever without a worry is peace not love
so in essence what's love got to do with it?
Not a dayum thang..umhmmph
not a dayum thang at all
and this is coming from a small town Seedling who traveled the world and still is and I tell you it is nothing like Peace
see you can take love from me and that's cool
though when you take peace from me then it's on...
I have to get away and be even freer
my end goal is Ghana without a doubt
though traveling and being a scholar will have me going forever
and I know I will have multiple homes internationally
i know how people get prgrammed cause i have seen other people do it to their own people from behind closed secured doors
I done been flatlined once and know who I am vs this human body I am controlling right now until I am....

Monday, May 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
Digital Smoke
Error Success