Direct And Indirectly Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Direct And Indirectly

Direct and indirectly...
God has blessed me!
Not to have a child to have lived.
And I am today pleased with that.
And I am being extremely positive.

No one on this Earth,
Would tell me how to raise my kids.
Or suggest that I read,
How someone else believes...
That should be done!

I would spare that rod.
And use one thick belt!
If my child spoke back to me...
A behind would be whipped.
Burning hot!
Preventing him or her to sit!

'Go to your room! '
Would not come from my lips.
'Get out of my house...! '
And that would be it!

They could call it if they wish.
And that child of mine should call...
They better disappear.
Or they will never again exist!

I am not going to be disrespected,
By someone I support!
Or be cussed out in public.
Like I hear some children,
To their parents exhort.
I don't think so!

'Excuse me...
May I use your PA system for a moment?
Thank you!
There is a child needing immediate medical assistance.
Will someone please call the police and an ambulance!
I will be in either produce or Aisle 17.
I have shopping to finish.
I thank you for your patience! '

My children will be disciplined.
Respectful of others.
And not a selfish bone will they have in their bodies.
Free they will be of lies and deceit.
I will not be busting my ass...
To weed my flowers of crabgrass.
And God knew!

~But 'why' would you break your son's nose,
Mister Pertillar? ~

*You see those braces on his teeth?
They cost me a fortune.
His nose will heal and I will probably go to jail.
Far less expensive of a price to pay.
But this 'kid' is in his 20's.
And 'he'...
Not 'you'
Reminds me 24/7...
How long 2 minutes of pleasure can aggravate.'

**You told me it was 4 hours! **

*Do you see what I'm saying?
Even with a broken nose,
His mouth is still open! *

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