Do Not Cry For Me Poem by Randy McClave

Do Not Cry For Me

Do not cry for me when I am gone
Do not weep one single tear,
And do not ask for my forgiveness
Because, you had that chance when I was here.
I have been here for many long days
And not once did you seek me out,
Many days we could have shook hands once again
So, please do not sit and pout.

Do not cry for me this I solemnly ask
By me your tears won't be seen or heard,
How I wished you had came a long time ago
I would have loved to hear your every word.
I have been here waiting and sitting
To every promise and oath I honestly did keep,
But, now your promises to me can't be kept
So, please do not sit and weep.

Do not cry for me when I am gone
No need to shed a tear for me,
For you, I have always been hoping and needing
But, now with dried eyes I can finally see.
I have been walking and also pacing
Hoping my words would have caught your eye,
You have always been my love and my true inspiration
So, please for me do not cry.

Randy L. McClave

Monday, October 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: cry,forgiveness,sadness
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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