Do You Love Me (A Women's Heart) Poem by THEODORE MOSLEY

Do You Love Me (A Women's Heart)

With her heart looking for a night of uncontrolled love that burns within her for nights to come.

She wants to drown in the arms of his sweat to feel the fire within his movement that secures her.

His touches make her hair dance with the swift gazelles that are eluding the summer prey.

His ways of knowing me has me asking do you love me beyond the sheets of pleasure that hold us.

Giving into the shadows of music her mind is whispering to his soul from the corners of the deep sea.

Her ocean of uncertainty plays the memories of uncharted tomorrows in the crimes of his heart.

Thinking about the solace of her waters, she encounters the penetration of his loneliness and she loses her way.

Do you love me with your majestic dips or am I the sensation of your wandering curves for the duration?

Trapped in the moist confines of his lips, she surrenders her walk to his affairs of lies that has her blind.

Seeking to be released in her own passions, she gives him freedom to walk his heart in his.

She listens to the uncensored motivation of his dreams and she becomes his winter wonderland of sculptures.

With the molding of our bodies, she asks him do you love me; she undergirds his silence with motions of heat.

Calculating the time of her presence, she endures his shape shifting demeanor for her character of love.

Sent to nurture love her love has been stolen beyond the conditions of her plight seen in due time.

Her body has become a graveyard of love for his possession; her heart is imprisoned in his flow of life.

Do you love me without my eyes hurting for unseen foreclosures; her ingredient is her mask of emptiness.

Shown the borders of her demise, she concentrates on his freefall of touches and she descends to blamelessness.

Caught up with her femme la tele, she surpasses his mind of seduction and craves the ridicule of her beauty.

The consumption of her curves raises the drawbridge of man to heights of non-escaping words of peril.

Do you love me with unguarded love to bestow my wounds of hurt for solidarity of confinement?

She tried to escape but his winds of the night controlled her steps of the day and her mind conformed.

Holding fast the scrutiny of deception, her pain replaced the truth with the ecstasy of his explosion.

Her pain has her surrounded within the corners of displaced love; his volcano corrupted me from within.

Do you know me; do you understand me; do you hear me; do you see me; do you love me?

Written by Theodore Mosley
April 3,2015

Marieta Maglas 30 July 2018

Wonderful poem -a message

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