Dollar Science Poem by Denis Martindale

Dollar Science

'If you send a thousand dollars,
Then God will bless your heart! '
Yet no matter how he hollers,
I've no money for a start...

That preacher guy won't get my cash
Because the cash ain't there,
In any case, I won't be rash,
So he's a billionaire...

He doesn't need a mansion home
With swimming pool to match,
Or fancy jet to fly to Rome,
If there's some plane to catch...

No wife have I, no kids have I,
So why the heck should he?
And while there's starving kids that die,
I'll think of them not me...

He doesn't need a temple site
To worship God above,
He doesn't need the widow's mite
To prove that she's got love...

He'll not get a single penny,
He'll not get a single dime!
He's no prayer of getting any,
When he's just a waste of time!

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