Donald Trump Was Extremely Romantic, Poem by Liza Sud

Donald Trump Was Extremely Romantic,

Rating: 5.0

Donald Trump was extremely romantic,
he was not supertactful like Wagner,
He's not Parsifal to draw the notes,
He's not the guard of the higher worlds.

But that's OK for politician:
Caesar, Kaligula - the power's admission,
He's chosen not for patriarch or saint,
who should remind of which sins souls are dead.

And the Romatics always are like that,
when they conceal it - that is disrespectful,
But Donuld Trump is honest, open, grateful -
That makes his star even more brilliant star!


Дональд Трамп был слишком романтичен,
Не был он, как Вагнер, сверхтактичен,
Не Парсифаль он, что рисует ноты,
и не хранитель в мировых высотах.

Но для политиков это - вполне нормально,
Цезарь, Калигула - разрешены ко власти,
Он избран не в святые патриархи,
чтоб про грехи всегда напоминать нам.

Романтики - они всегда такие,
когда скрывают - это неприятно,
А он - открытый, честный, благодарный,
что делает его звезду - еще красивей.

Monday, October 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: political
Spock The Vegan 11 October 2016

I applaud you in telling it like it is, Like Donald would, and reminding us that All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Only Jesus was perfect in this world. Hillary has the most scandals, but she lies about them.10 points.

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