Dream World Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

Dream World

Bits of white clouds in blue infinite sky
How move in graceful slow motion
To create new forms of fluid fancies
In countless combinations!
An elephant here, a human figure,
A flock of birds there, a legion
In spotless white, soft layers
For fraction of time,
Nor being next there,
As slow breeze of wind
Carries clouds
On the stage of strange acts of life.

A warm world of passionate colours,
Hid in thick fog of indistinct thought,
Rises to life from the sleep's distant horizons
Like bright glow of shooting star.
To sink in the blanket of sleep once more.

The coloury fames,
Seize the soul,
And spread white smoke of joyous longings;
New horizons open,
New possibilities arise
And this and that worlds meet in indistinct sleep.

The shots fired here explode there,
The seeds sown there sprout here;
The dim lamp of the dream world
Surfaces images in thousand wings
From the dark womb of still night,
That flutter and fly in open sky
To measure the depth of wakeful world;
Loves and hates are fought in proxy
In the still of quiet night
In quite wish fulfillment
Though nothing is fought anywhere on the Earth
And nothing is won or lost at all.

The dream world is still like the floor of an ocean
Where pressures and precious treasures meet;
The dream world is turbulent like poet's mind
Where swirls of images fix his theme.

Like red-hot charcoal lights new flame,
The pregnant mind, charged with new height,
Sets dream world to chromatic warm flames;
The Self tastes own blood within the walls
To defreeze pains of the wakeful world
In soft warmth of quietude;
The negative world is dream world
Where the black-hole of mind spawns subtle lights
To balance natures and soothe seething elements;
A battleground of idlers and playground of poets,
A stacked storehouse of planners is dream world;
An indefatigable fount of new lights,
A coloury vacuum where all dwell for solace
In oblivion of sweet, numb darkness is dream;
The sparkles of the Self spawn dream world
Where inner pains and pleasures weave artful little plays.

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