Dreamed Into Existence[rev] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Dreamed Into Existence[rev]

Our civilisation doesn't appreciate people with high
emotional achievement if intellectually challenged -
the source of all progress is through imagination,
development is brought about by thinking of things
that never existed before - the technological Age

Is result of imagination; now dead science with its
killer instinct brings progress to a standstill; listen
to TV idiots placidly repeating scientific idiocies of
an empty world suddenly producing thinking minds
for no other reason than dying into meaningless

Nothingness: but the biological imperative says
knowing the wonder and mystery of life is the only
way to live in joy and health, thoughts alive in loving
and intelligent awareness brought many universes
into existence; modern positivistic science dies as

People discover planning always precedes creation
and only biological optimism nurtures life, humanity
lives by values that science ignores at its peril - hence
science & religion are both left behind as we realise
how life, language and nature were dreamed into

Existence, contemplating how the foetus's dreams
& thinking processes bring forth brain activity before
the brain forms: I can't abide cold rules - but imagining
warm feelings and beautiful new world views is my
contribution to my colleague's beloved rulebooks…

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: feelings,imagination
Edward Kofi Louis 01 March 2016

Imagination is the source of all progress! Nice piece of work.

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