Dreaming Of The Sea And Me Poem by Phil Soar

Dreaming Of The Sea And Me

The raft that I was traveling on, was made of carbon fibre
It almost sank without a trace, as I had left the harbour
My wife, you see, fed up with me, had drilled a hole or two
And the water rose around my feet, as I was the only crew

But as the open sea appeared, I had the sense to steer
Away from waves that caught the hull, and buffeted my rear
I turned for shore and what is more, I triggered off a flare
But as I looked across my bow, I noticed she was there

Standing on the shoreline with what looked like a harpoon
She yelled some rude obscenities, and then I heard a boom
Coming straight toward me was a missile made of steel
I dived into the water and was bitten by a seal

The blood that flowed from open wounds, was heading out to sea
And sharks began to circle round, to make a meal of me
I thrashed around in panic, and then to my surprise
I woke up in the bedroom, with piss up to my eyes.

(This is just one of those rhymes that came out of nowhere) .
Maybe that's where it should stay.

Phil Soar

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: humour,nonsense,silly
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