Dreams Can And Do Come True! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Dreams Can And Do Come True!

By Stanley Collymore

I didn't know that I would meet you today but was
nevertheless, I must confess, earnestly hoping
in my mind that this eminent occasion
would, all the same, present itself
fairly soon, and how vastly fortunate I am to have so
expeditiously managed to achieve that delightful
expectation. Since I inarguably knew from that
first glance between the two of us that this
was much more than just the beginning
of a beautiful and enduring romance
involving the two of us, but most
crucially for me, as it likewise
is for you, the culmination of
everything we've formerly
both composedly acknowledged and
patiently waited for, and are now
similarly fully confident we
will permanently and
pleasurably share
in matrimony.

© Stanley V. Collymore
3 September 2019.

Author's Remarks:
Romance comes in all shapes and sizes and is literally one of those imponderables that either boldly and forcefully presents itself to you or else creeps up on you when you least expect it too, and can in either of these circumstances discomfortingly put you in an awful quandary of how precisely you should react to it.

But whether it's relished with open arms and uncontrolled excitement or regarded with great trepidation, romance in one form or other is permanently here to stay. And I doubt, when all is said and done, if there are any of you out there who would have it any other way.

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