Dreamtime With Inline Rhyme Poem by Hercolena Oliver

Dreamtime With Inline Rhyme

Make time to...

Dream about a person or team.
Survey a landscape or plan an escape.
Reform on issues forlorn.
Enjoy the small things life brings.
Be enterprising as well as compromising.
Take up challenges and aviod binges.
Make clear references though not in paranthesis.
Observe in hindsight what's not evidently bright.
Take comfort in presence of those around you saying how do you do?
Define concepts as percepts.
To be target driven as ariven.
Communicate at any rate.
Increase and appease.
Be dynamic or mimic.
Swim in the waves exulting in freed slaves.
Diminish problems and lessen whims.
Examine influences and consequences as you'd do with mash and minces.
Pause for an hour to appreciate a simple flower.
Ride on the creset of a wave and feel brave.
Provide frameworks and overstep quirks.
Compare if you dare,
Repair without a care.
Ponder why not to squander.
Lessen despair by increasing repair.
Make an impact stating fact.
Observe without nerve.
Process transactions, not sanctions.
Invite a friend to fly a kite.
Be competent as evident.
Look past apparent different.
Point out issues tactfully that won'tcall for crying on tissues.
Respect over moderation adulation.
Begin to focus on more than just hokus pokus.
Emerge on the verge.
Promise returns and cool what burns.
Keep promises on premises.
Represent a present.
Try and exceed average leverage.
Increase volume staying in tune.
Analyse, that's wise.
Rank not just a bank.
Grow in what you know.
Be successful and your life eventful.
Define then you'll be fine.
Show concern of discern.
Overwhelm with your view like new.
Advance even if just in steps for a dance.
Strive from this moment onwards not for mere rewards.
Etch finer lines as lessen fines.
Continue to renew.
Achieve in that what you believe.
Further farther.
Boggle the mind and leave behind.
Do lots more and don't be a bore.
Go everywhere beyong compare.
Estimate how to arbitrate.
Remit applications and omit inclinations.
Mushroom personal growth to betrothe.
Accept that you cannot always be the world's biggest and richest except.
Value information foundation.
Differ a sliver.
Write all right.
Tell someone they're beautiful being truthful.
Cheer up a sad person so as not their plight to worsen.
Pursue fundamental nature of changes as fate arranges.
Increase standards and decrease ignoratn words.
Come together like birds of a feather.
Be enthusiastic not sarcastic.
Access no less.
Follow suit in pursuit.
Practice your talents as it warrants.
Perform on a platform in good form.
Exercise compatibility sans irritability.
Be engulfed by hype and still enjoy tripe.
Approach to coach.
Give way every day.
Create your own freedom and not martyrdom.
Show interests in work and rests.
Respond instantaneously though blamelessly.
Make certainty of the uncertain opening closed curtain.
Associate with myth.
Assist rather than resist.
Ferret out information formation.
Specify why not to cry.
Deliver without a quiver.
Act accordingly whether you're saving or on a spree.
Engage in orderly affairs for your heirs.
Provide a range of services instead of disservices.
Approximate before it's too late.
State facts in support of statuesque artefacts.
Surf the net, just so you don't forget.
Combine your thoughts with these of mine.

Hercolena Oliver

Hercolena Oliver

Durban South Africa
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