Each Memorable Day Poem by Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoet

Each Memorable Day

Each day is Memorable to somebody,
Each day should be memorable to me,
From the time of my Birth till I die,
I will try to remember all I see.

What is Life if not full of Memories,
Of the Good Times as well as the Bad,
Times spent with Friends and Family,
Times when Happy and when Sad?

We ought to record all our Memories,
For it is our History, ~ you see,
To pass down among the Generations,
As to what did occur to me.

If we did not write down our Memories,
Future Generations would not know of us,
What we did in our Lifetime,
Why of Events ~ we did make a fuss.

Why have I written my Poetry,
And posted it on the Internet? ~
Only that others may see my Memories,
And Future Generations will never them forget.

Copyright (c) Jonathan Goldman [JGthepoet] - 13 August 2008

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