Earth Poem by Paula Glynn


Earth: the planet where the dinosaurs
Ruled and dominated for 250 million years
Wiped out by inevitable ecological changes
The earth's mantle spewing lava from volcanic eruptions
The dinosaurs migrating to other parts
Of the planet: where there were lush forests and terrain.

Two million years ago: with important evolution
Millions of years after the extinction of the dinosaurs
Along came the humans:
Humans to evolve from the apes
Homo sapiens learning to create fire and use tools
Humans to govern the earth: make the rules.

A blue planet rotating through the solar system
A planet full of amazing life: from bugs galore
To lions, tigers, leopards, panthers
And even monkeys, apes, gorillas
To horses, cats, dogs, donkeys...
Every mammal on earth you could name.

Then there comes sea life:
Not just fish but dolphins, sea lions,
Sharks, killer whales, jelly fish, and many more
All sustaining marine life: all vibrant colours of nature
Charities and governments working together
To keep the seas free from plastics.

The nations of the planet working together
To prevent trash collection damaging earth
To dispose of trash without offending our planet
To also use solar power and wind farms for energy
To upcycle our old furniture and prized possessions
And to also reduce food waste in our kitchens.

With atrocious weather we suffer
From floods, hurricanes to snow storms
And heatwaves, land fires in Australia
Thunder and lightning, rain storms
Our planet is going crazy
And scientists are never complacent or lazy.

A small blue planet floating in space
Continually spinning in orbit
Where all these evolutionary events go on
And the human race does impact the earth
A human race two million years old
Programmed to save the important world worth gold.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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