Earth Walker 3000 Poem by Paula Glynn

Earth Walker 3000

I have walked this earth
3000 years
I have wasted no time on tears

At first I had no remorse
And I always had a choice
Whether to be good or evil

I chose those first few 100 years
To be evil
I thought it made me strong

But people came and went
Lessons for me to learn
And my fingers did burn

But I learnt love
I learnt passion
From my pain

Years came and went
Money to be well spent
And freedom to walk this earth

Without enemies or frustration
But evil people came for me
When I had thought myself free

I did know right from wrong
I did have cupid send
An arrow into my heart

But my heart was poisoned
With black hatred
With deep resentment

Jealousy and rage
The fight going through
The red in my veins

Others making me a fighter
Where I saw enemies and traitors
People stabbing me in the back

Those streets full of the desperate
And the fallen and lonely
But also the brave: me

For I am immortal
Walking this earth forever
An earth I deeply treasure

People are born and die
People celebrate with a smile
At any party I attend

Days turn to night
Night turn to days
Even for the wicked with their ways

I was born so long ago
The year not worth mentioning
But I had been born

Not realizing myself immortal
Stronger than all the rest
To design those fighter tests

For I am the earth walker
On a planet that spins and spins
My soul never giving in

For I learnt my lesson
After telling my confession
And knowing the glory of life

And all souls walk my earth
An anagram of heart
For love pulls us together

And never apart
And seeing earth in orbit
Such a treasure

Earth's value beyond human measure
This planet and human race
I to always see as the greatest treasure

This universe creating
Such a world
As great as this earth shall always be.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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