Echo's Of My Mind Poem by Sarah Persson

Echo's Of My Mind

Rating: 5.0

Drifting through the echo's of my mind
You softly speak,
A thousand tiny words of love,
To pass before my feet,
Turn to dust before my eyes,
The wind has whisped away,
And here I sit, alone again,
Like every other day.

Echo's Of My Mind
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: loneliness,love lost
Dev Anand 10 August 2018

You softly speak, A thousand tiny words of love, after reading ur poems. i feel a sense of peace......... thank u. dev

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Sarah Persson 10 August 2018

Thank you Dev for your lovely comments on my poems. It's such a pleasure when our work is enjoyed, truly humling how it can mean something to another person or bring peace as in your case.

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Bill Cantrell 04 February 2017

Very well written, so sad but the feeling could not possibly have been penned more poetically perfect! ! More words would have been too much and fewer..not enough. Great poem! ! !

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 February 2017

Amazingly the wind has whisped away. Thousand tiny words of love are heard with amazing expression. A magical poem is shared here.10

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Sarah Persson

Sarah Persson

Wellington, Shropshire
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