Bill Cantrell

Bill Cantrell Poems

Faces change and rearrange,
Seems nothing stays the same
Yet, love endures forevermore
And could never face such shame

I have seen the facets of love,
From a child to the breasts of a mother
A dying soldiers last words to his wife,
A year later, she marries another

Oh neon poetess,
We take delight,
With every word upon your breath

In the spring, I arrive as a gentle breeze
With the summer, I have my moods
In the autumn, I am stripping naked the trees
With the winter, my heart is an empty room

Poems will come,
Poems will go,
Some will choose to stay
What an honor it is to me, my friends

With wings of gold,
I touch the light,
What a joy to feel so high
Yet, gliding above,

Oh you kindred poetess,
Sailing on a dream come true
Though other poets set to sea,
The tides belong to you

I placed my ears to the earth
I heard the weeping of mothers,
Who were preceded in death by their children
Those who died from the cruel hands of their abusers

There is a day
It is unlike all others
The day when my God
makes himself known to his enemies

Moonlight, You calm the night
As a mother's lullaby
Fireflies, they come alive,
Only you know why

Looking for a different poem,
Taking me to new dimensions
I want to leap off the edge of midnight,
Into a dawn of new waters,

How can I find poetry,
in a world of moral decline?

Life has become of very little value,

Sleep Paralyses
Not fully asleep,
not fully awake
Loud buzzing in head,

What kind of tribute does one give to a true poet?
To sir with love was a song that still gives me chills,
And why?
Lulu was a prodigy of which David Bowie envied

Each stanza,
holding hands
Sharing the collective glory,
of the one they encircle

The tongue of the pen,
Licks the wounds of the broken hearted
Those abandoned by the wayside,
Are by no means forgotten,

Life inside a shadow
The ultimate abyss
Spontaneously moving to what end?
Everything has purpose

There are times when it seems,
All words have come to their end
Repetition has exhausted them
As they search out a resting place,

Oh you precious flower,
Sadness can certainly be undone
With faith and eyes swelled up with tears,
Keep reaching for the sun


All my poems turn against me
Joining hands, they leave me in shame

Bill Cantrell Biography

This site seems to be improving, the comments and postings are much quicker)

The Best Poem Of Bill Cantrell

Of Love

Faces change and rearrange,
Seems nothing stays the same
Yet, love endures forevermore
And could never face such shame

Friends will bend under the wind,
And mothers have walked away
Yet, love will bring them back again
Perhaps this time, to stay

For I have seen the face of love,
Throughout my darkest days and nights
A spark has set my soul on fire,
Under the spell of your baby blue eyes

Bill Cantrell Comments

Susan Williams 25 October 2016

Bill Cantrell's poetry is heart-piercing and important and on point. He pens very wise poems and couches them in vibrant word choices and strong and original visuals. .. For example: Tomb of the Rose- - This is an exquisite demonstration of the strength of vision when delivered in simplicity and brevity.. A thousand more words would have smothered the tender message - - a thousand elaborate words would have weighed down the wings of this beauty. It is that rare poem- - perfect just the way it is. . .For example: Enabler- - -There is a different tone to this well-written observation about how our actions or lack thereof can be as evil as the perpetrators'. It's a sad world that this man and this woman live in- it's cruel, demeaning, draining, and soul-destroying... for both of them. Bill's word choices and terms are unique and outstanding- -grooming the darkness- - you give him wings- - and the last two lines of the poem are a powerful indictment of today's society. . For example: Inner Struggles- - This poem is so perfect in its expressions of frustration, its howls of creative desperation, protesting the gelding of the spirit, fighting against the status quo poetry! This poem is sheer creativity on fire! . . For example: Full Circle- - - This is such a whiplash collision of two of the strongest emotions that a human being can ever feel on their turn around the earth. I cannot call it beautiful because it hurts, I cannot not call it beautiful because it is expressed so beautifully. Kelly Kurt found three very good descriptives for this piece- - succinct, poignant, resonates.... oh yes, and excellent. This poem is all of those and more.... so much more. . I recommend that all lovers of poetry take an extraordinary journey through the poems Bill has written. They are diamonds of the first water. In them, he captures it all... the thoughts and emotions and concepts that rule our earthly life. He catches it in his soul and puts it down in words so beautifully and so wonderfully for us.

12 3 Reply
Nassy Fesharaki 04 April 2014

I envy your lovely/accurate look at the nature, which you must have around you. Great and all the best.

14 0 Reply
Bharati Nayak 10 May 2017

In the page of Bill Cantrell I have found a treasure of poems that speak about poetry.I will come here again and again to read and appreciate.

9 1 Reply
Annette Aitken 31 January 2017

I find Bill to be a very gentle man, who writes from his heart. Not only does Bill inspire others to write, he also encourages us to do better. The pictures he paints with his words are like watching them unfold in real time, right there in front of your face. I feel blessed to have made a friend of Bill. Annette.

8 1 Reply
Halin Roche 28 April 2016

not only your poems but your quotations too are highly philosophical Sir. thank you for sharing...

8 0 Reply
M. Asim Nehal 02 March 2024

There are very few poets on this PH site that can match your intelligence and writing skills. Your poems get straight to the point and address current events. I really like your poem, God bless you, Keep Writing Bill : )

1 0 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 31 August 2022

Bill Cantrel is a wonderful and brilliant Poet. His presence is always a blessing on this site.

1 0 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 31 August 2022

Bill Cantrell's poetry is a treasure. Whenever he writes, the very first drop of his pen can touch your heart until his last poetic expression. The sterling images he finely crafted in his poems always create indelible marks in the mind and hold us spellbound.

1 0 Reply
Cheryl Spillman 06 July 2021

I have missed you Bill.

1 0 Reply
Bharati Nayak 09 April 2021

Poem Hunter, please review your new format.

1 0 Reply

Bill Cantrell Quotes

Only one who is blind can surely tell if you are beautiful

When every one is an island to themselves, there is no room for the ocean

Love is the mark, whereas action is the spark

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