El … Or Do I Know Myself? Friend Well Met, An Unlikely Betrayer, The Ghosts …. Poem Hunter Blocked This Poem From Publication At 10: 36 P.M. Poem by Dennis Ryan

El … Or Do I Know Myself? Friend Well Met, An Unlikely Betrayer, The Ghosts …. Poem Hunter Blocked This Poem From Publication At 10: 36 P.M.

El… Or Do InForget Myself? Friend Well Met, An Unlikely Betrayer, The Ghists Of Banquo And Old Hamlet, And Perhaps A Middle Passage …

Thursday night, May 23, 2024, begun at 9: 18 p.m., and completed at 10: 36 p.m., a 42-line poem that Poem Hunter blocked from publication at that time,10: 36 p.m. The time is now 12: 16 a.m., almost two hours later, now Friday morning, May 24th, and Poem Hunter is still delaying publishing this poem to limit the number of readers reading it, and I have, to a point, summarized below the actions of the real persons—really my brother alone—who I included in the poem.

This poem is almost exclusively about my younger brother Patrick Clair Ryan of Bradford, Pennsylvania, who has absolutely no moral compass, who is an atheist and true spiritual drifter who would throw me and my family to the lions without a second thought because he has worked professionally with the police for many years, knows and fears their criminal tendencies, and is out to protect only himself and his immediate family members. He was supposed to return my phone call of tonight, his wife Carol promised he would at about 7: 25 p.m., but that call never came, and when I tried to reach him, early and late, four times in total, neither he nor his wife picked up though they knew it was me because of Caller ID. He is callous to the extreme, insulting me when I was suffering from PTSD back in 2020-2021 due to two police-arranged beatings on Farm Gate Riad, one block from my home—I have the emails still that show his callousness, callous remarks in action. And this is only the tip of the iceberg with him.

There are only four real people mentioned in this poem: my friend, El, William Shakespeare, my brother and his wife Carol Ryan.

Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
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