Enemies Poem by Herbert Nehrlich


Rating: 5.0

The horseshit now was shoulder deep
brought tears to eyes of innocence
but in the White House was asleep
the president with all his friends.

Was Washington on fire now
and if it was, who would it be
and would they know exactly how
to quench the flames the world could see?

The people had been told again
that foes from far away
are coming fast and many men
would, sadly, have to pay.

'The ultimate, your sacrifice,
that's what is now expected',
the people, though knew of the lies
the brave had now defected.

A little man stood on a drum
and gave a fiery speech
they called him Minnesota Rum
he used to be a teach.

He said that all our enemies
were people, even friends
he showed us how to live in peace
that's where the story ends.


The White House burned right to the ground
and peace came to the land
what Minnesota Rum had found
they all could understand.

The moral as he did reveal
was in your own belief
The enemy? It's just a spiel
invented by a thief.

Thus, common folks like you and me
when hearing calls to arms
shall follow a more human plea
and go back to their farms.

Mary Nagy 26 November 2005

What a great message! I think you're right......it seems 'normal' people (like all of us here) have no trouble getting along but once government get involved we're on the brink of WWIII. Loved this poem. :) Sincerely, Mary

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