Enjoy Being Single Poem by Randy McClave

Enjoy Being Single

I enjoy being single
And not being told what to do,
Happiness is my life's jingle
As I live everyday truly through.
I go to bed anytime that I choose
I wake up anytime that I decide,
And when I pass out and then I snooze
Not needing a girlfriend or a bride.
I am never told what to eat
And I am never told what to wear,
I am not told what makes me complete
And for who I should truly care.
I choose my own friends
They are never chosen or picked for me,
They are truthful and never pretends
And they are not make believe.
When I proudly walk down the isle
It's only when I'm at the grocery store to shop,
And I'm always wearing a smile
When at the cashiers line I stop.
I enjoy how I spend my money
And the independence and freedom that is me,
And I don't have to call anyone sweetheart or honey
I enjoy being single and free.
Whenever I go out to dine
I never have to wait to get ready,
I'm ready to go and hop in the line
And I'm always patient, relaxed and steady.
I worry about me, myself and I
Not she, herself or a date,
There is no need for a girlfriend, wife for this guy
I enjoy being single without a mate.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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