Entrance Into Heaven Poem by Randy McClave

Entrance Into Heaven

You could do a million times seven
But, good deeds and acts won't get you into heaven,
You can also give a daily prayer
But, that neither will lead you there.
You can donate weekly to any charity
With your earned posterity,
But, unto heaven that won't lead you either
Even if you are a heavy tither.
You can proclaim to all how much you love Christ
And how for him you have sacrificed,
And all the good deeds that you have done
Underneath the moon and also the sun.
The lord cannot be tricked or scammed or bribed
As the Devil has many times tried,
The only way that the road to heaven is paved
If through salvation, and you have been saved.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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