! ! Enthusiasm's Promise Poem by Michael Shepherd

! ! Enthusiasm's Promise

Rating: 3.0

You’ve heard it said;
it sounds just great –
as well it might..

so now there’s just the matter
of our really-truly believing it; of
living up to it..

The divine world and
all its beings rest, reside, it’s said,
in each individual, as in the universe;

not remote – unless they remain
locked beyond forbidding heavy door of ego;

not sternly aloof – but ready
to offer in abundance, lawfully
to the lawful, whatever might be necessary;
it’s said they cannot lawfully resist;
are eager; smiling, running, to our voice…

what might they be thinking,
murmuring amongst themselves,
as they await the sound of rusty key
in rusty lock… to burst out and do
what the gods shall do; bring,
along with their vast divine forces,
that bonus, which is unimaginable
until it manifests; a glory
as of rising and of setting suns
and all that lies beyond..

It’s said, that first
they test our courage
in daring to pursue their path;
test our conviction that
they’re there to call upon;
test our intelligence
in how we go about it;

then – as Goethe told us
centuries ago: the gods, as Providence,
pour upon us means, events,
assistance past all dreams of human thought:

this, the Good within has vowed to us.

Michael Shepherd

Michael Shepherd

Marton, Lancashire
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