Entwined In Concepts Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Entwined In Concepts

Both of their minds were entwined in concepts of relationships.
Wanting their own to be one that was perfect.
And defining that with having good credit.
With things believed that would keep them in bliss.

And when these 'things' began to lose their sheen...
Less interest in themselves slowly could be seen.
The need to constantly be together became a non-necessity.
With a wish to be alone in one's own space.
In a place the other was either invited...
Or not invited to be.

And a love between them,
Although expressed...
Was missed.
Leaving dreams and desires,
To be held and kissed...
Becoming less obsessive.
And often dismissed.

As those things cherished gathered dust with time.
There was an emptiness felt!
And invited.
Under one roof where no happiness once there,
For them.
No longer, for them, they could find!

Yet and regretfully...
Both of their minds were entwined in concepts of relationships.
Wanting their own, they did, to be one that was perfect.
And defining that with having good credit.
Loans and debts could not keep this correct.
With things believed that would keep them in bliss.
Gone was 'that' and any remnants of happiness.

And when their credit became less than good.
They found themselves in arguments...
Blaming the other for a wasted life spent.
And agreeing to split is what they should do,
To prove this less the expensive.

With a being together for them now making less sense.
As they express to others,
They've done the best they could.
But a love to make better wasn't theirs to save.
Nor was it there from the beginning!
And this had been the costly mistake they made!

Carol Gall 10 October 2009

good title entwined in concepts many make this mistake

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