Epic Failure Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Epic Failure

Did you like the movie?

"Very much so.
From beginning to end.
Although I have to admit,
The trailer for the new one...
Coming out later this year.
Was too long."

We should have been warned.
A three hour long trailer?
The producers say,
They are a few months away...
From completing it.

"I agree.
At least prepare the viewer,
As to what to expect.
I wonder why,
It's being called 'Epic Failure'.
The actors are really into their characters.
So real and life like.
Especially the one moaning and groaning.
Throwing tantrums like a child."

Well played too.
But those staged conflicts?
And division created between the races.
To be filmed like a documentary?
For me?
That was too nerve wrecking.
Until they began focusing,
On the scene stealer.

"I noticed that too!
Charming, captivating.
And also wicked at the same time.
Everyone around us started applauding.
I didn't understand at all."

I did.

"You did?
How? Why? "

Even though the trailer was long.
I noticed...
That same scene stealer,
Would always say nothing was wrong.
And everyone was imagining it.
Setting the audience up for,
Something they had never experience before.

I get it now.
It begins like a comedy.
Then slowly adds the drama.
To become a mysterious thriller.
But why would they call it,
'Epic Failure? '"

We'll have to wait and see.
I bet towards the end,
Of the completed movie.
Aliens from out of space,
Will be used as a distraction.
Shocking everybody.
To leave them screaming.
Running away.

What sense would that make? "

Think about it.
People love horror movies.
And with special effects,
Adding spaceships and aliens too.
I bet that's why this movie,
Is taking so long to finish it.
Shocking people around the World.

"That's if they haven't been bored to death,
By that ego childish tantrum thrower.
Maybe the producers are considering,
Replacing that character all together.
And if they don't?
That would be the only reason,
To call the movie what I think it will be.
And that to me,
Would be an appropriate title."

Who knows?
We all have to wait and see what happens.

Monday, August 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: anticipation,movie
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