Eve Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon


Rating: 5.0

Clad in the morning sunlight
Drifted I towards him
Knowing not what he was
Nor what I myself were.

He didn't see me, even if he did
Wouldn't know me, for he hadn't
Known a woman till then
And he never needed one.

Ever since he was dropped
In the Eden wild, the odours, colors,
voices sweet as songs only for him,
he fed on nectar and all fruits but one,

Birds and the wild reeds sang for him
And he sang with them the hymns
Pea-cocks and trees and vines and rains
Danced for him and he danced with them.

Drifted I to him, drawn by an unknown will
Plucking an apple on my way, why
did I know not, but offered it to him,
And with it, all of myself and my free will.

Wonderstruck, he could not
take his eyes off the fruit
That he was ordered not to taste,
Nor from those on my bosom.

My eyes wandered from
His face glowing in the aura
Of thick blond cascadeing locks
And flowing long beard.

Involuntarily my fingers moved
To my face that was smooth as moon,
My eyes fell below his naval
We were so different, yet so similar.

I saw him biting into the fruit,
No, not those on my bosom
Though I wished he would.
I stretched my hands, touched him.

Electrified, I fluttered; whatever drove me on,
I held him in my slender arms
sucked in his lips in my fruity ones,
I snuggled into his arms outstretched.

How my body guided him into mine
How our bodies found rhythm
How he lay spent beside,
How I wanted more, I knew not.

Now a wrathful shout echoed
across the horizons; 'Oh! God! '
he was inebriated with a fear
I knew not, for I knew no god.

The image shared is the Famous Apple Pose of Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Bri Edwards 16 May 2022

'My eyes fell below his naval We were so different, yet so similar.' Eve is SO observant. And to where were Adam's (or was it George?) eyes directed? ?

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It is Eve who is telling the story, Bri. Now it is your job to tell us the story of Adam… We wait..

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You say ‘Eve is so observant'… Women are, I believe

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The image I have shared here is the famous "APPLE POSE" of Jennifer Love Hewitt. I love too, Jennifer

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What we should expect the First Man and his First Lady is the wildest love. But my words are limited.

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I had posted a reply to the comments by Evelyn on this page. It has vanished. Fed up with ph…

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Miss Grace 19 May 2022

Miss Grace 19 May 2022 04: 45 The poem beautifully describes the most oldest romantic story......

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Much obliged, Miss Grace. Loved it.

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Evelyn Judy Buehler 18 May 2022

A charming depiction of the first man and first woman. I enjoyed this a lot.

1 0 Reply

It is a great pleasure always, to read your notes on the poems, Evelyn. Thank You.

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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