On a night, villagers a lady-star to choose
For a talent, with yes the most shall approve
The ladies are up to sing, dance, or walk
Main purpose, mob's attention to seek
The tall and slim so confident to walk
The smart got the mike so steady to talk
Some went the stage so firm to dance
The board filled except one so silent was
A queen to choose is to fool not to praise
You have made yourselves amusing tools
Stand for the honor of being a living soul
Far from being a short timed nymph for fun
No title or lust shall last long; as night is gone
Sunrise burries yours in their memo yesterday
Thus thy night as a queen yourselves make
Since It is your sunset the rise should be yours
Thus Reedemed from being mere earthly ones
By Sunrise then to be always everlasting spirits
So true. Am with you in all the words you created in this impressing poem
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
"Since It is your sunset the rise should be yours" lovely. Enjoyed reading this marvellous poem