Fabricated Reality Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Fabricated Reality

Rating: 5.0

In this fabricated reality
The truth is a victim of scams and misconceptions
Battered by the hands of unscrupulous fellas
The truth is hospitalized in the far corners of our consciousness
Barricaded in the darkest dungeons of our minds
The truth is suffocated in every corner of our life
Bludgeoned into a marshmallow of uncertainty
The truth is a victim of not one but all of us
Utterly disfigured in our search for our perfect prefabricated reality
The truth lies in the trenches of our consciousness
Totally obliterated of any semblance of truth
The truth is a subject of our violent aggression
We hide the truth in order to elevate our egos
We have buried the truth in the house of culture and religion
We are now boasting and wallowing in our new found sense of reality

Thursday, October 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life,realistic,reality,spirit,spiritual,spirituality,truth
Kingsley Egbukole 17 October 2019

" The truth is suffocated in every corner of our life" Please kindly check my poems HOPE and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH. Kingsley Egbukole

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Kenneth Maswabi 17 October 2019

I have read them already my friend...Hope is the another source of power for life. Thanks my brother.

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Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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