Fate [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil] Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Fate [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil]

227. O, man of the town where th'bees faint in flowers!
When one achieves his aim in adversity,
what he'd do if the stars cross! What can a duke
do against the army-leading emperor?

228. Faults are there in people with great wisdom.
Their past deeds tell upon their present life.
The ill fate of their past actions casts a spell
on their sapience of the present birth.

229. O, Chief of the hills with falls dashing on rocks!
The fair shining moon in the vast sky groans
as the snake swallows it. Coming troubles
come to one as the effects of one's past deeds.

230. When a king died heirless at Kazhumalam
The royal elephant roamed through the country
and brought the boy, Karikalan from Karuvur to rule.
One may like or not, th' great things reach one by fate.

231. E'en if you wait at the foot of a palm tree
for the fruit, it won't fall. It will reach the hand
of one who is ordained to eat it.
Wealth reaches the one who ought to get it.

232. Could they get more wealth in their next birth
if they had no virtues in their former birth?
They couldn't amass wealth to excel others.
When lacks capital, one will have no gain.

233. As the astrologer predicting good days
the Vengai tree stands rooted to a place
but bears flowers at the right time. Though the king
does happy deeds, wealth comes when fortune smiles.

234. The five faultless Pandavs who're caught into
The burning amber palace of Duryodhan
escaped through a secret way. It did happen
No place is harmful for the humans to live.

235. O, chief of the coast hit by tidal waves
and groves with honey dripping Neithal flowers!
Foretold bad days end well to the rich by fate.
No days of sorrow if you live by virtues.

236. Wealth desired won't reach the hands of e'en the kings
who sit on the throne fetching wealth. Don't mock
the fools as unfit to gain wealth. They who did
penance will receive curry hidden in rice.

237. O, chief of high hill tracts! In times of fortune
People won't strain to make efforts. In bad time
wealth leaves. No use of stopping it. Nothing good
to the luckless, though they have wealth by efforts.

238. O, wench with lightning-like hip! One who dares to
burn a town burns his own town too. Know you that
evil done in the past birth affects us
in the present. Why should you grudge the paid foes?

239. The child Karikalan fled with a burnt foot,
grew up in his uncle Pidarthalaiyar's care
fought back for the throne and gave a just rule.
Good acts done bring good ends to the humans.

240. O, chief of the bamboo forests where th' tuskers
embrace dear ones in cold! The fateful arrows
hit not th' earth but hurt the target. The skillful
in facing the arrows don't feel pain.

Friday, February 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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