Feather In The Sky Poem by Jim Yerman

Feather In The Sky

Yesterday as the sun was rising on our walk…what should catch our eye….but one humongous…elongated white feather…stretching across the sky.

Our weatherman is quick to inform us…that it's a cirrus cloud and in it we will find…crystals of ice which means…a cold front will not be far behind.

But when I see a feather in the sky…so tremendous…so long…so white…my mind thinks back to my childhood…and 1001 Arabian Nights.

A Middle Eastern myth? …you might be asking yourselves…Why…
because in this myth the Roc was a huge white bird of prey that prowled across the sky.

Who was large enough to pickup an elephant…from whose arrival even the sun would hide…who, if myths are to be believed, once took Sinbad, the sailor, for a ride.

Meteorologists today will no doubt find my thoughts revolting…but when I see a large feather in the sky…I like to think the Roc is molting.

Besides in a world where we come face to face with harsh realities time and time again…it's fun to fantasize…to stir our imaginations a little every now and then.

Which is why when I see a feather stretched across the sky…I allow my imagination and reality play….is it the molted feather from one enormous bird…or is there a cold front on the way….

Before you scoff at my ambiguity…as most people and certainly all weathermen do…
let us take a minute and thoughtfully think this through…

A cold front on its way…
or the largest bird one could conceive…
knowing I live in Florida…
which myth should I believe?

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