Feathered Fatigue..... Poem by karen sinclair

Feathered Fatigue.....

Early hours hugging the hangover from hell
Brown sofa grey mottled sky.... Stomach swell
I lay as I gazed at the final green tree
Stood proud as punch inbetween
Skeletal brothers scratching the sky
One bird two birds three.......four caught my eye
And struth 'twas busy the poets favourite space
Dogfights and spitfires swifts winning the chase
Doves in twos swooning and swooping angelic by
Sparrows pigeons whatever whooshed past my eye
And poets nostalgia believe feathered flight fancy free
That ain't what I see

A battle for space
Traffic controllers nightmare
As each fought for gaps pon the green tree which I stare
I think it was busier than the town Saturday night
I thought what a relief I have no worries bout flight
I'll stroll down the street to the old grey sea wall
Chuck chips to the seagulls
Good luck to you all

Not sure if this even works if not cest la vie.
Bri Edwards 10 March 2013

i was pleasantly..........well, not-really-surprised.....surprised when i read this. i was attracted to the title as i am a devoted bird fan all of my life. but some titles are deceptive, so i was glad to see it really dealt with birds, and in a clever way. it could just be, however, that the birds have all their acts together and never will run into one another by accident, but perhaps on purpose once in a while. and then there are windows and windmills and tall buildings sometimes to contend with for our feathered friends. thanks for sharing. bri

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Danny Draper 21 February 2013

Of course this works. She's back. Whoo hoo! The first stanza, the human romantic view of nature poetic and pure. Pure fiction. The second the chaotic scramble for daily sustainence and mad jostling for space and resources, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, natures reality. Fantasy versus reality vividly imagined, discordant hip, chillin' on the sea wall plugging gulls with soggy chips. Terrific! !

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