Feeling Lonely Poem by gershon hepner

Feeling Lonely

When you’re feeling lonely, you
have got a better chance to find
a lover who will surely be more true
that he who left you far behind.
When enamored, you believed
you’d found the right man. You were wrong
and now that you’ve been undeceived,
it’s for a new one you can long,
unfilled by dead weight of the old,
who turned out not the one and only
to whom you desperately should hold.
Be happy now that you are feeling lonely.
In your bed while you are sleeping
alone remember other lovers
are waiting and will soon be sweeping
you off your feet between its covers.

Inspired by Bianca Walker’s poem Longing for Lonely:
Not much has changed since you’ve been gone
I awake in the morning
I humm to my favorite songs
I fall asleep at night with the bathroom light on
When I awake, I notice that you are gone, and still…
I am not lonely

I’ve turned this house into a home
Still…I am not lonely
I want to go back to feeling empty
When my life was over shadowed by expectations,
To the days when I was longing...
For something…
For someone…
For anything

Full is much to heavy
Full is an immovable rock, a bolder in the pit of your stomach that paralyzes you

Full has no compromise
I never knew that about success
Who would’ve thought a life so colorful would lack?
That my strengths are in shades of Gray and Black

It’s ironic that when you live your life in the light
You long for the dark
Some sort of pain or spark
To remind you that your human

I miss the days when I was unaware of what I was doing
When I still sustained a slight air of confusion
Full is much to calculating
Full is a plan, contrived
Full is being to heavy to dance
Full is lack spontaneity of chance
Full is many faces who chant your name aloud
Full is never being lost in the crowd
Once again, I want to be ignored

Am I ungrateful that I am longing to be empty?
I do not take for granted what has been giving to me


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