Feminist Man And Feminist Woman - Matching Wits Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Feminist Man And Feminist Woman - Matching Wits

Feminist Man and Feminist Woman - Matching wits
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
On Jazz FM 91.1, a female singer sang beautifully
To the keys of the piano cooing in a steady beat,
"The flame that was flickering got put out pretty soon"
So much for everlasting love
But if women can be fickle minded in love,
Men can be accused of thinking
That "women are disposable things rather than meaningful possessions";

This is not a topic of discussion I wish to pursue
Instead, I shall look at if
Men are God's best inventions
Therein evolution's ultimate triumph
And women, man's best discovery;

This means that women existed before men
But could that have been possible
If God invented man first
And assuming that God is a man
Who likes to master a woman's impulses,
Man is a biological creation which is like a mechanical invention
The creation runs on verve, swerve and nerve and oevre;

But I, being a woman, am an invaluable discovery
One that existed before mankind or the universe
I am important to man's sense of identity
And I am a philosophical statement
To his scientific statement made as an engineering solution
For I am inevitable to his sense of victory.

Feminist Man And Feminist Woman - Matching Wits
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