Of Misters Who Are Prime Ministers And Mistresses Of The House Who Make The Internet Press Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Of Misters Who Are Prime Ministers And Mistresses Of The House Who Make The Internet Press

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AN ADDITIONAL POEM (written in 2015)
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Justin Trudeau has been sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada on Nov 4th,2015
Fittingly, since it is Remembrance Day on the 11th of Nov, he wore a poppy in his coat lapel to commemorate the early literal bed-time of soldiers
Coincidentally, I read about Mozart's requiem in Zadie Smith's On Beauty
And understood that a requiem is mass for the souls of the dead
It was sweet of Prime Minister J. Trudeau when he was No.1 on the Hot Charts
To remember those who, in some ways, literally slay the ghouls of the people;

Justin Trudeau is bringing in a war of change and a continuation of the old order,
Just as the trickling down of the sands of time represent the hour glass timekeeping
And the movement of the sands with the waves every single time, the frequency of the movement of the dial of time over all ranges,
One could resort to fine reaping if the Prime Minister would bring in positive changes to the Future;

We, the people of Canada, trust in God, PM and country along with other leaders
And it is a must that we thank the bountiful Mother Earth and the sometimes, fanciful Mother Nature
Who bring joy to the household with their fresh-cut and floating tealights
And I, as a slightly doting mother, thank my 17 year old boy for his browse-bold, that is, years of study thus far.

Of Misters Who Are Prime Ministers And Mistresses Of The House Who Make The Internet Press
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: canada
Unnikrishnan E S 11 April 2018

Hi Gayathri, You have a unique way of presenting things. And unique ideas on poetry, politics, life..... Marvelous.

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Dr Antony Theodore 20 March 2018

would bring in positive changes to the Future; trusting in God that God will inspire the leaders to bring in changes that is badly needed....... living in hope.. and believing in God and loving canada, the nation with a patriotic heart. thank you dear poetess.. tony

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Gayathri Seetharam 20 March 2018

Dear Reader, I would like to say that PM Justin Trudeau has been pictured with Aung San Suu Kyi, State Councellor of Myanmar. Gayathri B. Seetharam

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