Fifteen Years? Poem by Denis Martindale

Fifteen Years?

If God would grant fifteen years more to old folks such as I,
Our hearts would be thrilled to the core before our time to die.
Yet Jesus Christ could come today, the Bible says right now,
To snatch the Church of Christ away before the world knows how.

So either option God allows, we each must be agreed,
That whosoever kneels or bows prays to the Lord in need.
That God alone has prophecy, decrees He must declare,
Just as God did when Calvary was on Christ's heart in prayer.

To learn God's will can be sublime, though ignorance seems bliss,
But oh, the blessings time by time and miracles we miss.
So keep on praying to the Lord, the Lord's Prayer still to pray,
Before we leave in one accord upon our Rapture Day!

Denis Martindale. June 2022.

The Gospel poem above is the updated version of the poem
shared on Revelation TV's R-Mornings show on the 14th of
June 2022. Grammarly is where fellow poets can get their text
checked. The theme of this poem was the Scripture reading
of the day: 2 Kings 20: 1-4,5-8. King Hezekiah, informed of
his coming death, prayed to God, who then granted him 15
more years to live. God may not promise this to us as today's
believers awaiting the Rapture, yet those who love the return
of King Jesus will receive a crown for their devotion to Him.

Fifteen Years?
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: prophecy,faith
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