Fight For Freedom A Rant Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Fight For Freedom A Rant

The English pub is dying fast.
Strangled by regulations.
I think I’ll live to see the last.
There’ll be no celebrations

There is no where to celebrate
no local institutions.
Unless before it is too late.
A stay of execution.

Is granted by the powers that be
who recognise their foolishness
reversing their stupid decrees
which have proved their total uselessness.

Free the pubs from petty rules,
No one can truly understand
designed by pettifogging fools.
Its up to us we must demand

Repeal of anti smoking laws
and simply let the landlord choose
what seems to be the wiser course.
To allow smoking or refuse.

The customers will let him know
if his decision is correct.
Vote with their feet and choose to go
to any pub which they select.

Where they can smoke or to refuse
Acknowledge we have got the right
As free born Englishmen to choose
Before the last pub fades from sight.

I may survive to see the last
and wonder what will take their place.
An old tradition overcast.
They will just vanish without trace.

Unless we are prepared to fight
to change the governmental view.
The pubs are part of our birthright
I ‘m sure we are entitled to.

Choose to do what we enjoy
To smoke and drink and chat with friends
Whatever tactics they employ
To achieve their stated ends

Presenting theories as facts
in their attempts to frighten us.
They try to justify their acts.
Which frankly makes me furious

I smoke because I chose to smoke
Nobody is coercing me
I treat their theories as a joke
not to be taken literally

http: //


hey... My class had a discussion on this topic today. It is the persons body, who is the governement to tell them what the can do with it? Even so, take it slow, no getting no dreadful cancers. Ineed you to help make me better :) .

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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