Five Haiku Poem by Paul Eluard

Five Haiku

Rating: 2.9

The wind
Rolls a cigarette of air

The mute girl talks:
It is art's imperfection.
This impenetrable speech.

The motor car is truly launched:
Four martyrs' heads
Roll under the wheels.

Ah! a thousand flames, a fire,
The light, a shadow!
The sun is following me.

A feather gives to a hat
A touch of lightness:
The chimney smokes.

Captain Herbert Poetry 27 April 2014

A feather gives to a hat A touch of lightness: The chimney smokes. Hats off Thumbs up

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Colleen Courtney 29 April 2014

Very nicely done! Love haikis!

2 1 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 29 October 2021

French poet, one of the founders of the Surrealist movement with Louis Aragon and André Breton among others and one of the important lyrical poets of the 20th century. True marvelous! 5 Stars full. A great haiku poem

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David Williamson 22 December 2017

When True Poets Write/ They Knew They Were Forever... / Before They Were Read.

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David Williamson 22 December 2017

The Recognition/ Of This Species Called Mankind/ Amounts To Nothing.

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David Williamson 22 December 2017

You Don't See Me Now... / Recognition Seldom Comes/ During One's Lifetime.

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Rajnish Manga 28 March 2017

Each one of the above haiku poems has a different theme. I have enjoyed reading these tiny poems since they provide an insight into variety of situations or conditions. Thanks.

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Paul Eluard

Paul Eluard

Saint Denis / Paris
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