Flowing With Metred Timbre Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Flowing With Metred Timbre

I thought the passage of time would have sweetened
bitterness and brought you peace of mind; they're still
yours, every single one - although no-longer in your
home nor in receipt of sure-footed guidance

You have another to care for, to give your best, reap
benefits of lessons learned; you have admiring eyes
watching every step, rooting for you and because the
reason for your loss - strong, self-confident decisions

Left little room for others to assert or insist on their
independence, the forceful aspect of which makes a
grand leader of you, an ideal person to lead the way
into the artistic future

Your loss is immense and we expect you'll never stop
crying for them - only please take note of bounty
that life offers you, don't ignore the friendship,
beauty and songs to be sung by you that await

Live for futures while paying homage to the past,
take hands that reach out to you, rest in grace and
welcome extended, take full draughts from the
cup of approval offered by those

Who love true creativity and know the price you paid
was too high, nothing can recompense loss of what
you loved most yet the only way to grow is through
this experience, analyse the event

And render it into your musical words flowing with
metred timbre to share what you have gained in
the most beautiful lines others have ever read…

Prasanna Kumari 08 November 2012

the whole journey through a lot of experiences which turned into emotions was read with a tinge of sadness....very impressive

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