Follow Each Other Poem by Cigeng Zhang

Follow Each Other

Rating: 5.0

Clouds followed me onward
They needed a shepherd
I tried climb to the hilltop
They followed me climb up the top

I was tired
Slowing down
Then I followed
behind the clouds

I needed a sunbonnet
They read my mind
They opened their dust coat
Covering on my head

Clouds followed me onward
Well, I too followed
We walked thru a long day
Thru a season, thru this way

©Cigeng 5Aug2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Akhtar Jawad 06 April 2018

Clouds followed me onward They needed a shepherd Beautiful.

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Edward Kofi Louis 12 July 2016

Adventure! With the muse of life. Thanks for sharing.

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Daniel Brick 03 October 2015

You looked into the sky and didn't just see nature, but a relationship between you and the clouds.First, they gave you a sense of purpose and direction, then they gave you shelter and finally you were their shepherd. This one of the special traits of poetry you've highlighted, making the world familiar, turning objects into presences, even friends.

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Kwai Chee Low 10 August 2015

Another beautiful piece. I loved the tempo, the metaphors and the visual imagery; makes one feel serene and peaceful. Thank you for sharing, Cigeng.

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