Following A Dream Poem by Tom Billsborough

Following A Dream

Rating: 4.1

Down a dim corridor of infinite length
I wander, following a voice that whispers
The atonement of faith.
Past doors half-closed like hidden guilts
The shuttered shadows of yesterday.
Passages lead off with no directions given,
Causing a momentary indecision.
Do I continue on the direct path
Or choose some random way
For answers to my silent prayers?
The voice ahead grows stronger
So I stay upon this chosen way
Until I reach a room so brightly lit
My eyes are cauterized, as though at birth,
When the world explodes upon
A new born child.
And I am filled with rapture as I stare
Intently through a window where
A wild flower meadow flourishes
And bees and butterflies hover
And sparrows dart and running water
Bounds in brief cascades and familiar
Faces smile at me with pleasure.
Is this a vision or mere illusion?

Thursday, November 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: faith
Bharati Nayak 05 November 2016

My eyes are cauterized, as though at birth, When the world explodes upon A new born child. And I am filled with rapture as I stare - - - - - - - - - You are amazed and wondered at the beauty and full of faith in the Creation.

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Tom Billsborough 05 November 2016

Sometimes we see things suddenly in a different light, Bharati. Is it the rebirth of Faith?

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Pamela Sinicrope 04 November 2016

Sounds like heaven to me. You have a way of evoking beautiful images Tom. Lovely writing. :)

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Tom Billsborough 05 November 2016

I had a vague dream of a long corridor, like those you get in hospitals and a feeling of hope. Glad you liked it, Pam.

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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