Following Only Him Poem by Randy McClave

Following Only Him

To all those I want to say a prayer
When they want to try and to compare,
The trial of our Lord Jesus
To a sinner like anyone or even anyone of us.
Jesus is our only Lord and our savior
He makes the weak stronger and braver,
He is the only road to salvation
In any nation.
The Lord's trial was indeed a sham
They wanted to destroy the lamb,
Because, he was the true son of God
He was no liar or womanizer or thief or fraud.
He never cheated or stole or lied
And he never raped or sinned, but he was still tried,
He died for all our pain and fears
For only him we say our prayers and shed are tears.
Up ahead there is a rocky and narrow road
Where many are bought or sold,
Unto the Lord I will give praise and sing a hymn
And to truth and righteousness, I'll only follow him.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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