For The Trinity Rising Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

For The Trinity Rising


three silver stories have I kept
and the Trinity rising
the Trinity rising like spelled seas wept
the grey seas, the ceaseless seas
and the ones of fallow green
the feather-edged without flying
wave, Christ on His stave
for me dying
the ragged seas of departing,
the inconsolable isles.
spell is my heart the colour of roses
the rose thorned overcome
the moon waxing in the time of diamond slates
invisible and blinding the words there
dreamed three stories and the silver branching
launching of the mysteries and of the
winter soul, the winter soul besides, abiding
the deprivation of maytimes.
the grey seas and the turning into the green wave spent
the prince o Christ, the King on the white road mourned and fallen into
Emmaus, o it was You again! confiding
three stories and they unchanging and more-
unchanging as God in the Trinity rising
and the rose road wept and the thorns overcome
I have kept I have kept all the Kingdoms come
through the ageless days of the heart remembered and
Time the trial extended through the reign of shadows.
all under the renegade; stars the feeling of who you are
who you were in the sainted beforelands
as you turn on the white road, flaring into
the diamond veined
as the roses beckon you full in bloom
as the piper's tune returns and the silver of home
and all of it in bloom
and all of it in bloom
and spelling Forever.
mary angela douglas 22 may 2018; 4-5 august 2022

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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