'' For Their Backlash I Need To Prepare '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' For Their Backlash I Need To Prepare ''

God told women I’ve a secret to tell,
I can only pray you take it well,
You may well want to condemn me to Hell,
But please don’t feel any despair.

Looking after the planet Earth,
Is the reason we do not give birth,
Among women it’s the subject of great mirth,
That the very thought would scare.

To hear you talk you’d think it was sore,
You treat it as if it’s a serious chore,
Yet having kids you seem to adore,
But you claim men just wouldn’t dare.

You make out men could never cope,
From the trials they would elope,
Men giving birth, not a hope,
All they would do is swear.

You say that they would run a mile,
Having children would go out of style,
Don’t you know we are versatile?
For certain things we have a flair.

Our responsibilities we never shirk,
A man would never behave like a jerk,
Impregnation is really hard work,
Of our abilities you must be aware.

If men gave birth they would be elated,
But God said sorry it has to be stated,
The world would become overpopulated,
For Armageddon you’d have to prepare.

When Gold told man this he immediately wept,
Not giving birth they’d be forced to accept,
Till now this secret has had to be kept,
On us poor men this just isn’t fair.

Though very upset we’ll accept procreation,
With continuing our species we have a fixation,
Though when women read this they’ll be seeking castration,

‘’ For Their Backlash I Need To Prepare ‘’

This poem was written as a humorous poem by a man, me, who we know are the most self centred arrogant species on Gods Earth, no offence to the superior sex, WOMEN, was or is intended.
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