Forging With Ink Of Hope And Faith Poem by Antonio Liao

Forging With Ink Of Hope And Faith

the last things fish feel thirst; lay down the dry
grown in the middle of breathless gills, showing the
endless mercy of dying, whistle in the air as it

the breezing fresh gallop the nostril of nudeness
of a living soul, waiting the smoothness of flow of a
waiting catching soul to survive, the lasting
remembrance of a wondering immortal being exist

the shore catches the wave, as the pebble, wrestling
the turmoil of water in the heavenly pure of struggle,
nay the living floating weeds capture the mingling
drift in the tiny bubble in the deep blue sea

last the passing scene of the memory of the past, all
comes in a freezing sky to stay as it says a golden bye
of what is a blooming flower in the stream of river
gone into the sea of wonderful sky

wait as it flew the dust has mock of faith in the
rainbow of hope that the day leaves as you return and
forward of what ever ink in the memory of your life,
for what ever plan lives in the wish of days in the sun

walk and gone, the vision is to stay always in the
journey with fun, just believe and never fade the faith
and hope that all wait for you to make you, as always
be apart with the great plan

know the air that breathe and learn that someday you
will be back in the touching hand with Faith that
only you is the One to make your birth goal be true

go and leave no trace, the footprints will find you there
to stay with God; in the sea shore of Hope all has to
leave and return..... with Faith

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