Forgot About Bob Poem by Randy McClave

Forgot About Bob

We all heard of Cain and Abel
And that they brought vegetables and meat to the dining table,
The first farmer and shepherd was those two
They did what God had told them to do,
But, then after Abel's murder, his death
Eve had another son and his name was Seth,
A farmer or a shepherd he was neither one
But, because of him mankind moved on,
There is an unknown son of Adam and Eve
Which many weren't told about or read about to perceive,
His name, was Bob
And God had given him a very needed job.,
Bob was God's food taster a sensory scientist
And Adam presented unto him a very long list,
He would taste every fruit and vegetable and every meat
And he would record what man should and shouldn't eat,
Bob was the first man to eat a ear of corn
Unto that job he was born,
And he was the first man to ever eat a steak
And the first one to ever eat lobster and fried snake,
He tried and ate every vegetable and fruit ever created
And of course many he enjoyed and many he hated,
He also ate the foods that was bad and poisonous
He was always ravenous,
Sadly Bob's name isn't anywhere in the good book
I know this as I have looked and again I did look,
But, God indeed gave Bob a specific job for a reason
Because of Bob, mankind knows what's good to eat, and what to season.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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