Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [ 88- 90] Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [ 88- 90]

88. The seers know the meaning of the four holy hymns.
The wise kings ensure just rule and win the hearts of all.
The ornament for the wise is their good character.
The women worship their husbands and not other gods.

89. Women of virtues don't slide from their chastity.
Women without self-control behave in her whims.
Love marches ahead in its way crossing all the obstacles.
However they hide, the killer has the enduring guilt.

90. When valour vaults might enhances.
If the housewife is merciful, relations swell.
If mercy in heart spills over, the deeds of virtue increase.
Evil deeds abound if lowliness and cruelty extend.

88. The seers know the meaning of the four holy hymns.
The wise kings ensure just rule and win the hearts of all.
The ornament for the wise is their good character.
The women worship their husbands and not other gods.
89. Women of virtues don't slide from their chastity.
Women without self-control behave in her whims.
Love marches ahead in its way crossing all the obstacles.
However they hide, the killer retains the guilt.
90. When valour vaults might enhances.
If the housewife is merciful, relations swell.
If the quality of mercy rises, the deeds of virtues increase.
Evil deeds abound if lowliness and cruelty extend.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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