Gay Is Beautiful Poem by Ramona Thompson

Gay Is Beautiful

Rating: 5.0

Rewrite of Christina Aguilera's Beautiful

To be included on my Adam Lambert tribute cd

Baby, please look at me
Talk to me
Listen to me
mm, mm
Yeah, eah, oh, ooh

Every single gay is so wonderful
Don't know why they hate us so much
Why they want us to dare not again even breathe
Now and then I wonder why
Wonder why all they wanna do is fill their fellow human beings with such pain
Aren't they ever ashamed
Gay is beautiful no matter what the bible may say
Oh yeah, we will fight to stand up
For how we like to get down
Gay is beautiful in every single way
Yes, we will fight to stand up
For how we like to get down
Oh yes, we are here and we are queer
Not afraid to say we are gay today

Tell all your homophobic, bible thumping friends they're delirious
So jealousy consumed
24/7 always plotting our doom
Trying hard to fill in their lives the emptiness
Just the nun secretly craving it
Their minds must just about be gone
So desperate only to hurt others and see them come undone
Hear me, people
Ain't that always the way it is

Gay is beautiful
Oh yeah, we will fight to stand up
For the way we like to get down
So, oh no, no
Don't you dare try to slant the view otherwise
'Cause deep down we all know it's true
Gay is beautiful in every single way
Yes, we will stand up to fight
For how we like to get down
So, oh no, no
Don't you be actin' the part of the homophobic clown today

No matter what you do
(no matter what you do)
No matter what the bible may say
(no matter what the bible may say)
We're not wrong
To be singing this lovely little tribute tune
Yeah, we know
You're just jealous and full of past bs mistakes
(oh yeah)
And everywhere you go
No matter what you do
(no matter what you do)
And no matter what that ole bible may say
We will always let our gay pride shine
(we will always let our gay pride shine, let it shine)
No matter what is said by the critics on that other side

'Cause we know gay is beautiful
No matter what the bible may say
Yes, no matter what
We'll still gonna do our thang and get down
'Cause gay is beautiful in every single way
Yes, there's no shame to be found
In how we like to get down
Oh yeah, so don't you try to rain on our gay pride parade today

mm, yeah, don't you rain on our gay pride parade today
Yeah, yeah, ooh
Don't you rain on our gay pride parade, ooh, today

2009 Ramona Thompson

Karla Bardanza 28 May 2009

Gay is beautiful! I agree! You rule girl!

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