Girl Emo Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Girl Emo

Rating: 5.0

Being addicted to cutting.
It releases those endorphin's.
I can get that feeling from fingers or his junk.
Just think about what you're doing,
and how it'll affect your after life.
If you wanna walk,
just be kind or watch you cut me.

Cutting could do that,
but honestly it makes since.
Now that I think about when I used to cut myself,
though how no one called me Girl Emo.
You did.

I know exactly what the others never did.
I cut to feel alive to know I'm not dead.
To feel stronger,
and when I see the blood come down his arm,
I feel it, I feel it when I'm full of more than love.
I did it.

<3 Nom Nom Nom <3 23 August 2011

This is a very touching poem :) I can easily relate to it and understand it clearly. I like how I can pick up that your telling people what cutting can do to a person; for example name calling, and addiction. When you say you cut to no your not dead; I can easily relate to that because I to, did that for the exact reason. Great poem, I vote 10 <3

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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