God Paints Light Into Energy Lifeforms Poem by Terence George Craddock

God Paints Light Into Energy Lifeforms

Rating: 5.0

God paints intense to subtle colours
shading into out of a human visible
spectrum range narrow visible light
but God exploration curious ranges;
in electromagnetic radiation from
exciting infrared longer wavelengths
to stunning ultraviolet shorter wavelengths
human sight originates in visible light;

sunlight streaming through space a short
eight and a half minute journey from our sun
our star life gifting energy photosynthesis;
for green plants to produce create sugars
mostly in the form of starches which releases
energy into animals eating food chain plants;

God paints intense to subtle colours shading
into out of a human visible spectrum range
God invented an original first creator's artistic palette
rainbow colours swimming in an artists mind beauty;
is the pot of gold rainbows end memories mint coined
historically the moon stars illuminated night skies
dark nights fires danced shadows in campfire minds
torches lamps candles became personal hand carried stars;

stimulating fire brand flickering torches alive time danced
on shadow cave walls moving into tallow bees wax candles
fat burned oils whale oil burned into romantic kerosene lamps;
magic electric lights neon lights laser lights clever humanity
creates artificial lights aping animals generating bioluminescence
fireflies use light to locate lure mates vampire squids use light to hide;

from tentacle grasped prey while humanity uses light
to turn primeval night into rational reasoned safer day
rainbow coloured cities illuminated with colurful artifical light;

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by the poem 'Psychedelic World...' by the poet Annette Aitken.
Dedicated to the poet Annette Aitken.
Original version of the split images 'God Paints In A Stunning Spectrum Range', 'Light Illuminates Spaces Illuminates Life Diversity Possibilities', 'An Artist Mimics Genius Cosmos Design Fabric Tapestries', 'Torches Lamps Were Ancient Personal Hand Carried Stars', 'Once Cave Painted Walls Flame Danced Flickering Mysteries', 'Light Sources Illuminate Purpose Survival Choices' and 'Hiding Or Glorifying In Sight Light' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
See also 'Beauty Is Panorama Pot Of Gold Brushstrokes' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Written in January 2017 on the 29.1.2017.
Unwritten Soul 29 January 2017

must be a beautiful poem by Annette, wonderful imagery of science, nature, humanity, literature and faith...all are layed and interwined beautifully :) after all its TGC work! so for sure it be good

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Terry Craddock 29 January 2017

Hi Soul, yes the poem by Annette is beautiful, originally I wrote a poem 'Beauty Is Panorama Pot Of Gold Brushstrokes' inspired by Annette's poem which is a three line poem; then yesterday after tidying up my section, cutting lawns, gardening weeding and cutting back large shrubs I rewread Annette's poem 'Psychedelic World...' and suddenly a few more poems were inspired by the same original poem. Because I have so little time now, I want to write a few more poems dedicated to other poets and poet friends, which seems a beautiful and desirable poetic interaction so, the dedications source the original inspiration and pay a tribute to an inspiring poet and it is good to give credit to inspiration sources and our fellow poets who enrich our lives.

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