God's Poetry Of Love Poem by Denis Martindale

God's Poetry Of Love

The Bible says that God is love,
In oh so many ways,
Beyond the prayers that soar above
With sprinkled psalms of praise...
If not for love, this Universe
Would shrink away to nought,
With darkness left to prove the curse,
With light no longer brought...

But until then, let those with eyes,
Take in the sights to see,
Let those with ears then realise
That God made all things be...
The gentlest bird that ever sang
Sends forth a joyful song,
Just like our Church bells cling-a-clang
When Sunday comes along...

The snow-topped mountains rest sublime
As symbols of God's love,
Because they stand the test of time,
If grace proves strength enough...
The rivers, too, grant life to all,
Not holding back their share,
If only we were like Saint Paul,
Who proved his love in prayer...

If only it were possible
To share God's love with you,
Yet God must work that miracle,
So you may share it, too...
But why should God love us on Earth,
Unholy as we are?
Our future lives must have some worth
Beyond a sun or star...

They shine with light and fill the sky,
The night is blessed, indeed
And yet, beyond the question, 'Why? ',
Remind us of our need...
For who would rather forego joy
God's love shares day-by-day?
Except the fool, the naughty boy
Or girl too proud to say...

Yet I confess God's love grants me
Most reason still to live,
Because I trust in Calvary,
With faith God will forgive...
So even sin and death are tamed,
Defeated by Christ's Blood,
Such that in Heaven I am named
And claimed by Him and God...

By faith, I preach the Word of Truth,
Declaring far and wide,
That God is love, with Christ the proof,
For Christ was crucified...
Yet more than this, God raised His Son,
As Priest and Lord and King...
And now I know what God has done...
God's love means everything...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.

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