Good Bye Year Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Good Bye Year

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I feel very bad at loss of something very dear
It may be even happy moments attached with the year
Each New Year has got it sown importance
We regret not catching with it when it has left at once

It is irony of the fact that nothing remains permanent here
Still it has got its importance and leave the impression somewhere
Nothing can be carried for long as it has to fade out in course
Every moment is to be enjoyed with the precious time of course

We develop close alliance with the passage of time
It may develop hot and cold relation sometimes
It may not be marred by short comings or bitterness
The feeling is something unique with its close up and fineness

We can assess about goodness or badness when it is not with us
It can be neighbors, friends, parents or relatives
We spend enough good time and stay together
It is one of the good moment altogether

These things take shape in particular time or year
Some of the bad things are refused to be believed by the ears
You might have been taken by surprise at sudden success
Fortune might have smiled all of sudden with unbelievable access

“It is said past must be buried and forgotten”
It reminds us of our glorious past often
Time can be unfavorable or failures might have marred
The person has ability to stand up again before he is debarred

I will bid good bye to a passed phase
I might have not spent the time with ease
Still it was race against time with no loss or win
It was all the time live and we were positively in

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 31 December 2010

I feel very bad at loss of something very dear It may be even happy moments attached with the year Each New Year has got it sown importance We regret not catching with it when it has left at once

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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